Processing Times

Standard Processing Times

Every product in our shop is crafted by hand and made to order. Customers can expect their order to be completed and shipped within 3-7 days of placing their order. If an order has additional customization included, a few additional days may be required to complete it to the customer's satisfaction. If this is the case, we will stay in touch and keep you updated throughout the process to keep you updated with your order. 

*If you place an order between October-December, holiday processing times will apply (see below).

Holiday Processing Times

During the months of October-December processing times will be lengthened due to the high volume of orders received in our shop. Our holiday processing time is currently 1-2 weeks. Orders often ship sooner than the timeframe we provide, but at times, they will require the entire time allotted.  

IMPORTANT: Although we always encourage our customers to reach out with any questions they may have, please do not message us to inquire about when your holiday order will ship/arrive. We receive countless inquiries every season and not only is it very difficult to respond to each and every inquiry, it also takes away from production time. Please rest assured that once we receive your order, we are working diligently to fulfill it as soon as possible. 

All orders will be updated with a tracking number as soon as they ship.

We greatly appreciate your patience!